Vintage Curated Bead Collections

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Let’s talk about packaging

We spend A LOT of our time thinking about packaging. Almost 9 million tons of waste plastic make their way into seas and oceans every year and we are deeply committed to doing whatever we can to reduce that amount. We both try every day in our personal lives, not to create more single-use plastic trash. In an effort not to create new waste with our small business we’ve committed to a packaging policy, developed over the last year, that we feel comfortable saying is as close to zero waste as possible.

How can this possibly work for a business? It takes some time, but we believe it is worth it. We also prowl thrift shops and yard sales for possible packaging using the criteria that even if items haven’t been used, the thrift shop is the last stop before the landfill. Reducing the amount of plastic that finds its way to landfills is one of our primary goals.